Righting Wrongs and
Fighting for Rights
Your Champion When You Need It Most

Personal Injury and Employment Law Attorney in Ventura, California Guiding You Through Your Legal Matters

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Even if you are a prudent person, you can’t control the actions of those around you. There may come a time when you or a loved one are injured in an accident. An accident due to negligence can cause thousands of dollars in medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses. You deserve compensation for what you have gone through.

Similarly, even the most hard-working people may face an employer that has discriminated against them or won’t pay them what they are owed. Employment law issues are taxing and can drag on for months without a legal representative. If you’re involved in an employment law matter, you need an attorney on your side to protect your legal rights.

Skinner Law Corp is here to help you with any personal injury or employment law issue. For more information, call today at 310-356-0074.

Personal Injury
Employment Law
Personal Injury
Employment Law
injury attorney and client are shaking hands

injury lawyer and client are shaking hands


Pursuing a lawsuit after an accident is one of the best ways to get the payment you deserve. However, personal injury law can be complex, especially if you don’t have legal counsel. Insurance companies are often hesitant to pay you what they owe you, and guilty parties may try to fight against you to avoid being held accountable. Dealing with these legal challenges while also recovering from your injuries can be difficult.

Our personal injury lawyer will step in and handle your case from beginning to end. Not only will we file a lawsuit or a claim on your behalf, but we can also gather evidence to bolster your case, negotiate with insurance agents, and work to get you the compensation you deserve. Our law firm believes that injury victims deserve payment for their experiences, and we will not stop fighting until you get the best possible outcome in your case.

Client Success Stories
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How Does an Employment Law Attorney Help With Employment Claims?

Every employer is obligated to provide a safe working environment and pay their employees what they are owed. Employment law matters can arise when employee rights are infringed upon. Wrongful termination, wage disputes, discrimination, and other transgressions are difficult to fight against without an attorney on your side.

An employment law lawyer will fight for your employee rights and make sure that you are compensated fairly. We can file lawsuits, negotiate workers’ compensation claims, engage in class actions, and more. When your rights are violated in the workplace, you need a dedicated law firm on your side. Employment lawyers are here to ensure your workplace is protected and you are paid a fair wage.

wrongful death papers
Troy Skinner attorney

Meet the attorney
Hi, I’m Troy Skinner – Managing Partner

After years of managing a litigation department of a reputable boutique plaintiff’s firm in Santa Monica, CA, Troy Skinner decided to build his own practice using the set of skills, knowledge and experience he gained in litigating a wide range of cases.

Troy has built a reputation for being a zealous advocate for his clients and will fight Big Business and Big Insurance to seek compensation for damages sustained by his clients.

Growing up in the South Bronx instilled in Troy Skinner a mental toughness, tenacity, and will power that is coupled with compassion and a desire to help those with the deck stacked against them.

Law practice is a family tradition for Troy. Though neither of his parents were lawyers, he was surrounded by uncles, aunts and cousins who were. Like many young people, Troy initially rebelled against his family calling. After graduating with an undergraduate degree in finance, he spent years in the mortgage business and in the hospitality industry in the Carolinas and Arizona.

Troy Skinner lawyer
man with spinal injury

What Qualities Should I Look for in an Attorney?

There are many law firms with knowledgeable personal injury lawyers and employment law attorneys. However, not all of them have the right experience that may be relevant to your case. Always look for an attorney with experience handling a wide variety of personal injury and employment law issues to ensure they can give you the legal advice you need.

Similarly, you should also look for a law firm that is dedicated to using modern, cutting-edge techniques. In today’s digital world, old-school law experience just isn’t going to cut it. Skinner Law Corp knows how to navigate online legal cases and use technology to our advantage. If you’re looking for a law office representing individuals in the 21st century, look no further than our firm.

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Why Choose us?
man with knee injury
man with knee injury photo

How Does Skinner Law Corp Stand Out?

Attorney Troy Skinner has spent years helping clients fight back against liable parties to get the compensation they deserve. With his dedication to advocating for individuals against Big Business and Big Insurance, Mr. Skinner can help you even if you feel like you’re the underdog. Representing clients who have been wronged is Troy Skinner’s passion in life.

Skinner Law Corp is a younger, new-fashioned law firm. Instead of relying on old practices that were relevant in the 90s, our law firm has developed new techniques for cases in today’s world. If you’re frustrated by older legal professionals who don’t seem to understand you or your goals, look no further than our law office.

At Skinner Law Corp, we know how devastating it can be to suffer from negligent injuries or be involved in employment law issues with your employer. We aim to handle your legal case as quickly as possible so you can get back to your everyday life with few disruptions.

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Many people feel like they don’t have the power to fight back after they have been wronged. Going up against an insurance company or your employer can seem unwinnable. With an experienced attorney from Skinner Law Corp on your side, you can advocate for your rights and get the outcome you deserve in your legal case.

Our office is an 11-minute drive from Marine Park and only 3 minutes away from Venice Beach. We are only a 21-minute drive from the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). Please give us a call for a consultation at 310-356-0074 for any personal injury or employment law matter.

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Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Know If I Have a Personal Injury Case?

If you were in an accident that was someone else’s fault and you developed injuries, it is very likely that you have a personal injury case. The basis of a personal injury case is suffering some kind of financial loss, whether that is due to medical bills, lost wages from time off work, or property damage repair. Our law firm will examine the specific circumstances of your accident to determine if you have a case and how to pursue it in or out of court.

How Long Do You Have to File a Personal Injury Claim?

All personal injury cases are subject to a statute of limitations. This statute is essentially the timeline in which you can submit a personal injury claim. In California, the statute for personal injury cases is two years from the date of the accident. Waiting longer than two years from the date of your accident to file your claim will likely lead to an automatic dismissal. However, there are some exceptions to the statute of limitations, including if your injuries were not immediately apparent or if the defendant tried to flee the area.

Should I Talk to Insurance Adjusters on My Own?

If you file an insurance claim, it is very likely that an insurance adjuster will reach out to you. In most cases, it is not recommended to speak to an insurance adjuster without a legal representative. Insurance adjusters are almost always looking for ways to deny your claim. When they deny your claim, the insurance company gets to keep more profits for themselves. Even your own insurance company is likely looking for a statement from you that they can use against you. If you have been contacted by an insurance adjuster, reach out to our law firm today.

How Long Does a Personal Injury Case Take?

Personal injury cases rarely go to court. In most cases, a claim will be settled outside of court through negotiations with an insurance company. The time it takes to reach a settlement can vary dramatically depending on the circumstances of your case and who you are negotiating with. If you are asking for a large settlement in a complex case, your claim will likely take longer to settle. The best way to expedite a personal injury case is by working with a legal professional who will fight for your rights.

How Do You Know If You Have Been Retaliated Against in the Workplace?

Both state and federal laws forbid retaliation against employees who have engaged in protected workplace activities. In most cases, retaliation happens when an employee reports their employer to a labor board or other regulatory agency. Retaliation can include a demotion, harassment, discrimination, or even being fired. If your employer has recently made changes to your work environment that affected you negatively, it is likely that you have been retaliated against. Our law firm will examine the specifics of your case to determine whether you can file a lawsuit against your employer.

Can I File a Wrongful Termination Claim?

Your employer cannot fire you if it violates your employment contract or California public policy. Employers who fire individuals for discriminatory reasons can face legal action. Discrimination can include firing an employee for their race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, disability, or other protected class. In most cases, you must file a complaint with your local labor department before pursuing legal action. Our law firm will help you file a complaint and pursue a lawsuit for the highest chance of success.

How Does Being an At-Will Employee Affect an Employment Law Claim?

Like most states, California is an at-will work state. Because of this, your employer can fire you for any reason as long as the reason is not illegal. Being fired for discriminatory reasons, like being part of a protected class, is illegal. Being fired for engaging in protected workplace activities is considered retaliation and is also illegal. If your employment contract states that you can only be fired for good cause and you were fired for no cause, that is illegal as well. Your employer can face legal action for firing you in a way that violates the law.

Who is Entitled to Reasonable Accommodation at Work?

All employers with five or more employees must provide reasonable accommodation to anyone with a disability. However, employers are not obligated to provide accommodation if doing so would result in undue hardship. Employers must prove that they investigated the accommodation and decided that it would cause a hardship or financial strain. If your employer has denied you a reasonable accommodation, contact our law firm to determine if you have a case. It’s possible that your employer did not do their due diligence and that you are entitled to accommodations.