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Catastrophic Injuries Lawyers in Ventura

Getting into an accident caused by someone else’s negligence can lead to injury. Unfortunately, severe accidents can cause catastrophic injuries, including brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and amputations. Injuries like these have the potential to impact you for the rest of your life, causing expensive medical bills and changes in your day-to-day life.

If you have been in an accident, you deserve a personal injury lawyer on your side. Our law firm can help you recover compensation for your current and future medical treatments, plus request damages for the experience you have been through. Making a personal injury claim can help you recover some of the losses you have experienced because of your accident, and it can also help you seek justice for another person’s negligence.

Skinner Law Corp understands how traumatic it can be to suffer severe injuries. If you’d like to pursue a personal injury claim, call 310-356-0074 today for a consultation.

 What is a Catastrophic Injury?

A catastrophic injury is any kind of injury that leaves accident victims with long-term or lifelong complications. In most cases, catastrophic injuries involve trauma to the head or neck. Some catastrophic injuries can even be fatal.

Many catastrophic injuries leave victims with permanent disabilities. A disability can impact your ability to complete daily tasks and do typical job functions. The medical bills, lost wages from taking time off work, and lost future income can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Even the emotional burden of suffering from these types of injuries is enough to be life-changing.

Catastrophic injury victims deserve to seek justice. Recovering compensation is a way to hold the liable parties accountable for their actions while getting the payment you need for your bills and future income.

What Are the Main Kinds of Catastrophic Injuries?

There are many different kinds of catastrophic injuries, all of which are potential outcomes when you are in an accident. Some victims experience short-term pain, while others suffer from lifelong symptoms.

The most common kinds of catastrophic injuries include:

Spinal Cord Injuries

Your spinal cord transmits signals from the brain to the rest of your body. When the spinal cord is damaged, it can cause partial or total paralysis. This paralysis can be temporary or permanent.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are caused by severe damage to the brain. TBIs can result in slurred speech, blurry vision, memory loss, and other symptoms. In some cases, these symptoms are permanent.

Burn Injuries

Severe burns can cause nerve damage, extreme pain, and disfigurement. Some burn injuries can result in death.


Losing a limb changes the way you live your life. If your accident causes you to lose an arm or a leg, it may take a long time to recover and adapt to the amputation.

Nerve Damage

Nerve damage anywhere on the body can cause issues with feeling, movement, and bodily functions.

Neck Injuries

Injuries to your neck can cause loss of mobility, pain, and paralysis. There are many ways for your neck to become injured, including fractures, tears, and joint damage.

Internal Damage

Your internal organs can become bruised or damaged in an accident. Internal injuries may require extensive surgeries and long healing times.

What Are the Long-Term Complications Associated With Catastrophic Injuries?

Suffering from a catastrophic injury can change your life in many ways. Living with a permanent disability or chronic pain can impact the way you live, work, and complete your daily tasks. Unfortunately, many victims require extensive medical care, costing them thousands of dollars.

Some of the many long-term complications after a catastrophic injury include:

Physical Disabilities

Living with a permanent disability, like the loss of a limb or paralysis, can impact every aspect of your life. When a catastrophic injury causes permanent harm, your life can change in an instant.

Mental Incapacity

Head and brain injuries can cause reduced mental capacity. The way you talk, think, move, and act could all be affected by your injuries.

Employment Issues

After a catastrophic injury, you may not be able to work the same job at the same pay rate you used to. While workers’ compensation payments and other benefits can help with this burden, those payments often aren’t enough to live off of.

Reduced Quality of Life

After a severe injury, your overall enjoyment of life could be affected. Many victims suffer from depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem after a major change like a catastrophic injury.

Financial Issues

Your medical bills from a catastrophic injury can quickly add up, leaving you and your family members in debt for an accident that wasn’t your fault. Working with a personal injury lawyer is essential if you would like to avoid these struggles in the future.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Catastrophic Injuries?

There are many ways victims can suffer from catastrophic injuries. All accidents are dangerous, and accidents caused by negligence have the potential to cause severe injuries.

The most common causes of catastrophic injuries include:

  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Truck accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Construction accidents
  • Fires
  • Sporting accidents
  • Workers’ compensation injuries
  • Medical malpractice
  • Assault
  • Dog bite injuries and animal attacks
  • Bicycle accidents

What Kind of Compensation Can You Receive After a Catastrophic Injury?

When pursuing a personal injury case, you will have the opportunity to seek damages for any financial and general losses you have suffered as a result of your accident. The specific damages you can seek depend on the nature of your injuries and the accident.

Many victims recover compensation for the following things:

  • Medical bills, both present and future
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning capacity in the future
  • Property repair or replacement
  • Pain and suffering
  • Punitive damages

If your loved one died as a result of their injuries, you may be able to seek a wrongful death lawsuit. Wrongful death cases provide compensation to the surviving family of the deceased. The money can be used to pay for medical treatment, funeral costs, loss of income, and more.

How Can a Ventura Catastrophic Injury Lawyer Help With My Case?

Suffering from a catastrophic injury has the potential to change your entire life. A personal injury attorney will help you pursue compensation and hold liable parties accountable for what they did to you.

At Skinner Law Corp, we believe that all accident victims deserve to seek justice after severe injuries. If you have a personal injury claim that you would like to pursue, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We will not stop fighting for your case until you get the outcome you deserve. To learn more and receive a consultation, call today at 310-356-0074.